
What is the formula for gurps 3rd edition
What is the formula for gurps 3rd edition

For example since a C battery holds 900kJ it can discharged it at a rate of 900kJ/900 or 1kW. Divide the batteries kilo Joules of storage by 900 to see how many kilo Watts it can discharge at. Of course the down side to batteries is that they have a limited ability to discharge that energy as power.

what is the formula for gurps 3rd edition

For example a TL9 C power cell holds 90kJ of energy so a TL9 C battery would hold 900kJ. In general Ultra-Tech Batteries hold 10× as much energy as a the same sized power cell of the same TL. So here's my second, more GURPSy attempt at stating batteries. So I took a look at these settings assumptions and it clicked! A lot of Ultra-Tech was inspired by what was done in Transhuman Space and that setting had both batteries (confusingly called power cells) and power cells (called power packs). there was no data on how these batteries would work. While I have yet to find a smoking gun, I have found enough things that seem to point to the fact that originally there were going to be both power cells and batteries in the book (and in fact this makes sense since some of the things listed don't make sense having the duration they do with just normal power cells). Well, I've been doing some diving into what info I could get on the early versions of Ultra-Tech to see if I can find any nuggets I could use. Some just don't like veering off of what's published so if my rules at lest line up with that it increases the chance that my stuff will get the okay. While I'm not afraid to stray into house rule territory if I have to, I try to stay as RAW as possible since I know how some GM's can get. They do their job fine and are about as realistic as you can get, well as well as you can with predicting the future. The stats I posted for them were based on work done by laser wunderkind Luke Campbell since his work match my own research as well as the fact he had more knowledge on the subject then I do. I also took a shot a handling batteries to give players some more long term storage options at the price of having a lower power output.

what is the formula for gurps 3rd edition

that's what you guys have me for!įollow me after the jump where I cover not only my take on what SATNUCs should look like in 4th ed but I also throw in a shaped charge version of the mininuke and a design system where you can craft your very own custom SATNUCs and shaped charge nukes!Ī few months ago I did an article covering how much energy power cells hold in real world units and included a few hypothetical suggestion for different kinds of power plants. Of course when for 4th edition came out, sadly this little gem was left out. A cross over from the Ogre universe,the SATNUC was self guiding submunition similar in concept to the (sadly canceled) Brilliant Anti-Tank munition with one major difference rather than a self forging penetration, it uses a shaped charge micro-nuke! Of course in the gaming universe this bit of ridiculousness originally existed in there are AI controlled multi-thousand ton tanks armed out of pure win and awesome this kinda weapon does make some sense. Back in good ol' 3rd Edition, one of the most glorious bits of overkill ever put to print for the system was the SATNUC.

What is the formula for gurps 3rd edition